

Does The Color Red Agitate Bulls?

No, in bull fights when bulls try to attack the red capes it is not because the cape is red it is because the cape is a big fast moving object. Bulls are color blind, they can't even see that the cape is red. This myth was started, in the 1700's when bullfights where very popular in spain. The matadors ( bull fighters ) always used red capes to attract the bulls, so it was from then on believed that the color red makes bulls angry. - John Baskin

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Is This Picture of A Hybrid Half Human Half Pig Real?

No, This is a picture of a sculpture made by Patricia Piccinini. This sculpture is called "The Young Family" made in 2003 for an exhibit called "We Are Family". This myth probably started when this photo was released online, and many people saw it, and tried to make an accurate description of what they saw. This description was then posted online with the photo, and a lot of people saw it, and believed the description. - John Baskin


Does Standing In Front of a Microwave Give You Radiation?

No, not unless your microwave has a leak, or its door won't fully close. Microwaves are protected with a layer of special layering that doesn't let any radiation out. Also there isn't enough radiation to harm you in today's microwaves. This myth was started because when they were originally testing the first microwave people stood in front of it a lot, and they all got a severe kidney problem. The public found out about this and over time it turned into this myth. So next time you are about to overcook your meal, feel free to look into the microwave. -John Baskin


If You Go Swimming Before You Wait 60 Minutes After Eating Will You Get A Cramp and Drown?

No, you probably won't get a stomach cramp, but you might get cramps in your muscles, but not your stomach. You also won't drown. You would just float. This myth is just an old wise tale, so don't make your kids sit on the side of the pool for an hour.- John Baskin


Does Chlorine Turn Hair Green?

No, it is not the chlorine in the pool that turns hair green, it is the copper in the pool. Chlorine wouldn't turn hair green, because chlorine can be used to bleach clothes. Copper is in pools, because tap water has some copper, the machines used to clean the pool contain copper, and because if people have makeup on while in the pool the copper in the makeup will fall off, and get into the pool. So next time your hair turns green don't blame the chlorine, blame the copper. - John Baskin


Can Starfish Re-grow Lost Limbs?

Yes, starfish can re-grow limbs, because starfish have totipotent cells, so their body can regenerate any cell that the body needs. Starfish can get their arms decapitated, or they can decapitate their limbs, like a lizard can with its tail, when a predator grabs them by a limb.- John Baskin

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Is FaceBook Going To Start Charging A Monthly Fee?

No, this hoax was started by a group of computer hackers. They said to go to a website to protest against facebook charging monthly fees. If you go on the website there will be very disturbing pictures, and malware will try to hack into your computer. So Face Book is not going to charge money. - John Baskin


Did Betsy Ross Make The First American Flag?

No, the story that Betsy Ross sewed the first American flag is a myth started by Betsy Ross' descendants.
Studies show that there is not any proof that Betsy Ross lived in the Betsy Ross House. No one knows who sewed the first American Flag, but we do know that Frances Hopkinson designed the flag. He also designed the Seal of The United States. - John Baskin

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Does Hair Grow Back Darker After You Shave It Off?

No, if it did every man who shaves would have a very dark colored beard. Also the actual part of the hair that keeps the color is under the scalp. If you shaved below your scalp, your hair wouldn't grow where you shaved it. This myth probably started because short hair usually feels stronger than long hair.  - John Baskin