Old Wives Tales

Can a penny dropped from the Empire State Building kill someone?

Snakes in the ball pit

Are elephants afraid of mice?

Do life guards put a chemical in the pool that turns urine blue?

Does it take 7 years to digest gum?

Is Elvis still alive?

If you touch a baby bird will it's mother reject it?

Lightning never strikes the same place twice

Do cats have 9 lives?

If you pull out a grey hair will 2 grow back?

Is blood blue when it is in your veins?

If you store batteries in a freezer will it extend their battery life?

Do you only use 10% of your brain?

Are poinsettia plants poisonous?

If you shoot a car's gas tank will it explode?

Can a cockroach survive without it's head?

Does a duck's quack echo?

Was the Pentagon originally supposed to be a hospital?

Do dogs see in black and white?

Were fortune cookies invented in China?

Does urine cure jellyfish stings?

Put under pressure would coal turn to diamonds?

Does hair grow back darker after being shaved off?

Did Betsy Ross make the first American flag?

Can starfish re-grow lost limbs?

Does chlorine turn hair green?

Should you wait 30 minutes before going swimming after eating?

Does standing in front of a microwave give you radiation?

Does the color red agitate bulls?

Does cracking your knuckles cause arthritis

Do goldfish have a 3 second memory span?

Does sugar make kids hyper?

Do vikings wear horned helmets?

Do red cars get more tickets than other colored cars?

Does sitting too close to the T.V damage eyesight?