

Is It Against The Law To Send Money In The Mail?

No, it is not illegal to send money in the mail, nor is it illegal to send any other type of currency. It isn't a good idea to do it though. The money could get lost in the mail, stolen, or accidentally sent to the wrong address. If this myth was true, every time you send a check to charity it would be a crime. This myth probably started when someone was told that it is a bad idea to send money in the mail, and that person mistook  it as illegal, or told his or her friends that it was illegal. - John Baskin

Information from:

Is it illegal to send cash in the mail?



Are coffee beans actually a type of bean?

No, coffee beans are not beans they are actually seeds. The coffee bean comes from the coffee plant. It is the seed of the plant. A bean is a kind of seed in the fabaceae family. The coffee plant doesn't belong to the fabaceae family because the coffee plant is in the rubiaceae family, so the coffee bean is not a bean.  All in all this paragraph has taught you that the next time you want to annoy someone at a coffee shop say can I have a coffee with coffee beans? - John Baskin

Information from:
 Coffee Beans Aren't Beans
A Coffee Bean is not Actually a Bean
International Coffee Organization


Is The Dark Side of The Moon Dark?

No, the "Dark Side" of the moon is dark sometimes, and the side that we can see is also dark sometimes. If the moon is facing the sun it is bright, and if it is facing away from the sun it is dark. To make it easier to understand imagine that you are facing the direction of the sun. At the same time you are also looking at another person and facing someone who's face is opposite the sun. you are the moon, and the other person is the Earth. The person looking at you sees light on your face, because you are looking at the sun. When you aren't looking at the sun the other person doesn't see light on your face. This myth was created when people started calling the side of the moon that isn't facing Earth the dark side of the moon.- John Baskin

Information from:

Far side of the moon

There is no dark side of the moon


Do Dogs Get 7 Years Older Every Human Year?

No, in the first few years of a dog's life it ages much faster than the rest of its life. Also it depends on the bread of dog. Small dogs live longer than large dogs, so it is hard to tell. Also every dog lives for a certain amount of time, so you could only accurately measure dog years after the dog is deceased. So all in all you can't measure a dog's age by using the old dog years trick.  -John Baskin

Information from:

MJ Dog Years

Difference Between: Dog years


Does Sitting Too Close To The T.V Damage Your Eyes?

No, sitting too close to the t.v doesn't damage your eye sight. This myth was started in 1967 when GE came out with a new model of a television, that gave off X-rays. GE fixed the problem by adding a lead glass shield to the t.v. It still can be harmful to the eyes, but it will only strain your eyes. However moms everywhere thought that t.vs were still harmful to sit too close to. - John Baskin

Information from The truth behind old wives tales and Safe T.V. viewing distance